July 24, 2007

TheStealthGeek.com: Not So Useless Edition!

http://www.thestealthgeek.com is now wide awake and physical in a big way. Installed a Wordpress blog, and if the people will it, i will create a forum too. Learning how to use all of these neat tools that came with my hosting sure is fun.

July 9, 2007

The Stealth Geek Presents: Anim5

The Stealth Geek 2.0 will be featuring an interview with The One, The Only The Anim5 in the next installment. Should be wide awake and physical by the end of the week.

On another note, i got my commission. It can be found here

June 26, 2007

Anime North Report: Commission

I was recently contacted by the artist who i commissioned to do my..uh...commission. She apologised profusely for being late with the thing, and explained about being swamped with work. That's the kind of thing i totally understand. Crisis averted.

June 18, 2007

Anime North Report: Loading...

Due to some technical difficulties, the Anime North Report is still in progress. I've figured the problem, so dont worry too much. Expect it this week.

May 25, 2007

Anime North Report: Pre-Game Festivities

T Minus 2 hours to Anime North. Looking at the schedules. Lotsa pretty awesome stuff. Even a panel on podcasting or two. I'm going to get as many interviews as i can. Hopefully they dont kick my ass out of the con for illegal taping of...sound...*shrug* i'll just be real stealthy about it. Time to live up to that Stealth Geek name.

Maybe...just maybe i'll be able to do a panel next year if this goes well.

May 23, 2007

Good to Go: The Stealth Geek 2.0 Episode 1

Episode 1's up on the feed. No show notes for that one, cause its just me talking for a while. Enjoy!

May 14, 2007

It's mine

thestealthgeek.com has been aquired. now i must figure out how IIS works. should be easy, i used to be a webmaster. Wait, they never trained me on IIS. Go fig.

May 13, 2007


I've aquired my hosting. Waiting for setup. Gotta buy a couple of domains too.

May 10, 2007

Le Sigh

So i`m gonna go with GoDaddy for hosting, for a couple of reasons.

1) I`m broke.
2) I`m impatient.
3) I really dont need a terabit of bandwidth (as sacreligious as that sounds)

I`m going to upgrade to DreamHost (the one that Evo Terra suggested) as soon as i`m financially able, but for my needs right now, GoDaddy will be effective.

May 8, 2007

The Stealth Geek Presents

New segment i'm working on. Also, mixer isn't in yet. gonna do it low-tech until i get the damn thing. Ah well.

May 3, 2007


Ok people serious question time. For those of you that've heard my podcast, let me know in a comment. How's my delivery? I know my "podcast voice" isn't the same as my natural voice, and i was wondering what people thought of it. Too annoying? Good energy? Just STFU already? Lemmie know.

and.....thank you

Thanks to Anim5 for linking this blog in his...guid...gue....fuck, i cant spell it. His show notes. Thanks man.

but...but...but....it's on order!

I'm going to call Long and McQuade again tonight. This is getting ridiculous.

April 30, 2007


For those that are interested, my voicemail line is 206-279-1629. Send me some love.

T Minus: A bunch of minutes

I think i'm gonna set a deadline for Stealth Geek 2.0 to kick into gear. May 14th. That's a monday. By then, there's no reason why i shouldn't have a mixer board, and the will to podcast. Also, shit will be way less hectic by then.

Additionally, it'll give those slackers at Long & McQuade time to gimmie my damn board.

April 26, 2007

DreamHost - Package two seems pretty awesome. Thanks to Evo Terra for suggesting it.

April 25, 2007

Talky Talky

Considering a voicemail line. Need to know what kind of....whatever i need to do / use to get that happening.

April 23, 2007

Of Webs and Hostings

Ok, I've got two options currently.

Liberated Syndication - Specifically for podcasting. Monthly quotas for webspace, not static ones. Unmetered bandwidth.

Godaddy Hosting - Rediculously cheap. 100 gigs of space for like 7 bucks. 1000 GB of bandwidth, which is more than enough for yours truly.

Decisions, decisions....

No Mixer! Denied!

Went to Long & McQuade this weekend to pick up my mixer board. Turns out its not in yet. Le sigh. The waiting game continues.

April 20, 2007

It's Getting Close

Stealth Geek 2.0 is in the works. Plus lots more. Stay tuned.

April 19, 2007


So I'm looking for hosting. I wanna go with something that'll be separate from my personal webspace so that if my personal hosting goes down, the podcast will still be accessible. Anyone ever used LybSin? Curious as to the reliability / overall awesomeness of it. Mixer board's confirmed. Gonna pick it up within a few days.

April 18, 2007

New Digs (for the moment)

Hi everybody,

So, the site's down, the feed is down, and I'm still waiting for my goddamn mixer board. No problem, I'm a patient guy. This'll be the new home of Stealth Geek until I unfuck my situation.

Sayonara for now,